02 Oct Job Seekers: Land a Career in Health Data Management with These In-Demand Skillsets
Got skills? When you’re looking for a new job in healthcare IT, it’s important to know which skill sets are the most in demand by top employers – and how to get them. Stay ahead of the hiring curve by learning what you need to know to get the position you want. Right now, the hottest skill sets are in the areas of data analysis, data acquisition, data mining, and data structures.
Looking for a new opportunity in healthcare information technology? Connect today with a recruiter who specializes in matching your skills, experience and passions with an employer who will value them! Call 972-999-1677 or click here.
Hiring Growth Slowed by Gaps in Data Skills
While medical organizations may excel in healthcare itself, implementing and optimizing business information systems remains a big challenge. The complex nature of healthcare data and information technology is a difficulty for many employers, and because of all the new regulations imposed by the federal government in recent years, data specialists are in very high demand. However, these candidates aren’t easy for employers to find – there are more jobs than there are candidates. In particular, there is a dearth of healthcare data analysts and architects, so staffing is slow-going.
There are several highly desired skills that are necessary for certain well-compensated jobs in HIT. If you have or can acquire these skills you’ll have an easier time finding a rewarding position where your expertise is valued, appreciated, and well-compensated.
Top 4 Healthcare IT Skills
The most important skills for healthcare IT jobs are all in the data field. While data specialist positions exist in nearly every field of business, medical data specialists have healthcare experience that gives them a core understanding of medical terminology and the structure of the healthcare organization. Following are the hottest specialties with brief descriptions and examples of job titles that require these skills:
Data Analysis: These workers study information about different aspects of the organization such as customer service, population health, patient trends, costs, billing, and efficiency. They use this data to make recommendations about how to make organizational and long-term patient health improvements based on data trends.
Data analyst, clinical data analyst, manager of business intelligence reporting, data science engineer, business analyst, data analytics solutions scientist
Data Acquisition: Acquisition specialists obtain information from a variety of sources and amalgamate it in ways that reveal trends so that managers can make business decisions and physicians can make recommendations towards improving long-term health for their patients.
Data engineer, health system specialist, clinical documentation specialist,
Data Mining: Similar in some ways to acquisition, data mining specifically involves the use of large databases to obtain useful medical and financial information.
Data scientist, machine learning research scientist, applied research scientist, informaticist, informatics lead
Data Structures: These are ways of organizing, storing, and presenting data so it can be used for maximal benefit.
Information systems manager, implementation manager, data analytics solutions scientist
Continuing Skill Development
Keeping your skills sharp and your knowledge up to date is essential to your career because conscious professional development shows employers you are dedicated to your field. Many of these positions require certifications or a degree, so don’t let the lack of them hold you back.
Outdated skills keep you stagnant and prevent the company from moving forward too. Employers want HIT employees to have leading-edge expertise. Invest in your career by taking the courses necessary to get on top of the latest technologies and programs. That way when you are ready to move up to the next level you’ll be prepared to handle all the duties that your new employer needs you to perform.
If you’ve got the tech chops and are in the market for a terrific new opportunity, we are ready and waiting to introduce you to our best employers. Reach out today at 972-999-1677 or click here.