Medical IT Industry News & Resources

In a highly competitive job market like today’s, retaining top healthcare IT employees requires more than just a good salary and decent benefits. Whether you’re building or trying to maintain a strong HIT team, it’s essential to know what drives loyalty and passion in your...

When you’re looking for a great career in healthcare IT, it’s critically important to be aware of the characteristics employers are looking for in new hires. In addition to possessing the appropriate credentials and cutting-edge technical knowledge, there are several essential soft skills you need...

It’s an employee’s market, so it can be tough for even a prestigious company to attract and hire the best healthcare technology workforce. HIT employees are enjoying the competing attention of companies vying for a few candidates to fill many open positions. Working with a specialized...

Finding and hiring top healthcare IT talent can be a challenge, especially during candidate shortages. To expedite the hiring process, using a recruiting agency can pay dividends – if you know how to get the most out of them. To start, work with a recruiter...

Healthcare IT jobs are becoming more numerous, but there aren’t so many skilled candidates to go around. The clock is ticking down on meaningful use compliance, a large senior population requires increased medical care, and more Americans now have access to health insurance. For healthcare...

When you think about what types of companies might be hiring HIT employees, you probably automatically think of hospitals. Maybe after another second of thought, you’ll flash on doctors' offices. But the market for skilled HIT professionals is much broader than you may realize. There...

Attention to detail. Technical chops. Clinical expertise. Healthcare IT employees bring a lot to the table – and boy, do they bring it. These talented, skilled pros are helping to transform the healthcare technology field and bring it into a high-tech, patient-focused future. Jobs in healthcare...

Do you think healthcare technology is just about installing software and troubleshooting user errors? Think again. Healthcare companies today expect their IT professionals to perform as members of a team serving across multiple departments, including working with clinical and executive users. In addition to possessing...

Tick tock, tick tock: there is less than a year left for hospitals and eligible healthcare professionals to demonstrate meaningful use of certified electronic health record technology. Those who fail to comply, or who cannot prove hardship, will pay a price - literally. The Health Information...

The digitization of hospitals and doctors’ offices has created a high demand for computer systems analysts. These experts are charged with several important tasks, two of which are of paramount importance. First, they implement computer system requirements by defining and analyzing system problems. Second, they...